Came home from my morning solo ride, dropped off the road bike, and loaded my son and our mountain bikes and headed out again. Drove to Peak, SC, to a trailhead for the Peak to Pomaria Passage section of the Palmetto Trail. We had a great time hanging out and talking, and when we got to Pomaria we enjoyed one heck of an old-fashioned, grocery-store chili-cheeseburger! We deserved it, we had earned it by riding up there, and would ride it off going back to the car. Because, as beautiful as it was out there, the gravel railbed was a challenge to ride through, even on fat tires. Any suggestions on riding trails in SC that I can take my son to? He doesn't ride as much as I do, so I don't want anything too crazy.
Finally sat down and caught up on my numbers I track for my mileage; a little disappointing. At the rate I am currently going, I will fall ~200 miles short of the miles I got last year, and WAY short of the 6000 I had hoped for this year. Got to get back in the groove.
Be blessed, be safe.
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